Saturday, January 21, 2012

The cardiologist from hell

During the period where my medication was being adjusted, i was having a lot of troubles. My heart rate was all over the place as well as my blood pressure. I was in a constant state of disarray. The best way i can describe it is as that feeling you get when someone jumps out and scares you. Only, take that feeling and prolong it out for the entire day. Add a fast heart rate, exhaustion, and feeling like you are going to "lose it" i.e. consciousness all the time. I went to the cardiologist and said, "we really need to do something here. This isn't working out for me." He told me nothing could be done. This was false information. In reality, the beta blocker was making my symptoms worse and it should have been reduced that day. Needless, to say, i became emotional. I told him that he had no idea what i was going through, and that i felt like i was on the brink of existence all day every day. I got to experience the terrible moments that one feels befoer death over and over again. He shrugged his shoulders once again and said, i'm sorry i can't help you. Come to find out. He wrote in the report that i had severe emotional disturbances causing my situation. NO, I HAVE PHYSICAL DISTUBANCES THAT YOU COULD HAVE SOLVED THAT DAY BUT DIDN'T. Because of that a**hole, i have had to spend almost $500 (at least) in dr.s appointments to convince them that i was not crazy and didn't have anxiety.

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